Interactive ENPOLITE Plots

Here various ENPOLITE-Plots can be interactively explored. Specific Datapoints can be examined in detail. Data can be sorted by Chemistry, Formfactor or Testset. Metadata for every cell and its aging test are mapped when hovered on top of the datapoint. In the top right corner, the data can be filtered using the interactive legend. Holding shift can be used to combine filters (e.g. for Chemistry: NMC, NCA) within one plot. Scrolling within the different ENPOLITE-Plots will zoom in and out. The circle size is relative to the examined area and will therefore not change.

Due to the nature of the declarative visualization used for the interactive graphs on this website, they are not identical to the paper. On this website the bubble size of the ENPOLITE-Plots is automatically determined relative to the biggest and smallest value and therefore differs from the paper in absolute value. Another difference is the depiction of cycling temperature in the tooltips instead of circumfrence color.

Cyclic ENPOLITE plots

Every single datapoint represents an aging test of one cell. The Used Specific Energy (x-value) represents the average amount of energy a cell has charged and discharged per kg and per cycle. The Used Specific Power (y-value) shows the power used while charging and is normalized to the cell weights. Used Specific Energy and Used Specific Power therefore describe the battery cell-specific operating point within its aging test. Detailed Information regarding the calculations can be found in the Supporting Information. First the cyclic Enpolite is shown followed by an overview of the depicted cells without lifetime information.

Cyclical ENPOLITE plot

Cells are mapped at their different aging test conditions including their specific lifetime coefficient. Different Testsets can be filtered within the legend while exploring the datasets. The plot reflects the general trend that lifetimes tend to worsen with higher energy densities and power densities. Only a few cells achieve above-average lifetimes in either high-energy or high-power densities.

Note: Lifetime is mapped within this plot using the bubble size. Larger bubble size represents better lifetime. The used lifetime coefficient is a linear aging model, expressed in energy throughput per percentage point of cell capacity lost, normalized to the respective cell weight. Further information can be found in the Supporting Information of the paper. In addition, the cycling temperature of every cell can be depicted in the ENPOLITE-Plot as shown in Main Tab or the paper.


Different Chemistries can be filtered within the legend while exploring the datasets. Red and green circles are NMC|NCA cathode battery cells and show a wide range of operation points in the Used Specific Energy; LTO-Datasets (orange circles) are aged at lower Used Specific Energy but higher Used Specific Power; LFP (blue circles) lies in between.

Note: Lifetime is not mapped within this plot.


18650 cells (blue circles) show a wide range of operation points. Furthermore only 18650 cells are mapped in the higher Used Specific Energy area, while the highest Used Specific Power is reached by prismatic (green circles) and pouch (turquoise circles) cells.

Note: Lifetime is not mapped within this plot.


Different Testsets can be filtered within the legend while exploring the datasets. The DOIs of the datasets are shown in the hover information.

Note: Lifetime is not mapped within this plot.

Calendar ENPOLITE plots

Every single datapoint represents an aging test of one cell. The Used Stored Specific Energy (x-value) refers to the state of charge (SOC) of the cells in storage, but it is described as the usable quantity, expressed in the stored energy in the cell, normalized to its weight. The y-value is the Storage Temperature. Used Stored Specific Energy and Storage Temperature therefore describe the battery cell-specific operating point within its aging test. Detailed Information regarding the calculations can be found in the Supporting Information. First the calendar Enpolite is shown followed by an overview of the depicted cells without lifetime information.

Calendar ENPOLITE plot

Cells are mapped at their different aging test conditions including their specific lifetime coefficient. Different Testsets can be filtered within the legend while exploring the datasets. The plot reflects the general trend that lifetimes tend to worsen with higher used specific storage energy and temperature. Only a few cells achieve above-average lifetimes in either high-energy or high temperatures.

Note: Lifetime is mapped within this plot using the circle area. Larger circle area represents better lifetime. The circle area corresponds to the number of days until the cell energy density is reduced by 1 Wh/kg due to degrading capacity while maintaining the weight. Further information can be found in the Supporting Information of the paper.


Different Chemistries can be filtered within the legend while exploring the datasets. Red and green circles are NMC|NCA cathode battery cells and show a wide range of operation points in the Used Specific Storage Energy; LTO-Datasets (orange circles) are aged at lower Used Specific Storage Energy; LFP (blue circles) lies in between.

Note: Lifetime is not mapped within this plot.


Cells are mapped at their different aging test conditions. Different Formfactors can be filtered within the legend while exploring the datasets. 18650 cells (blue circles) show a wide range of operation points. Only a few prismatic cells (green circles) are depicted.

Note: Lifetime is not mapped within this plot.


Cells are mapped at their different aging test conditions. Different Testsets can be filtered within the legend while exploring the datasets.

Note: Lifetime is not mapped within this plot.